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City of Paris Title VI Policies

It is the policy of the City of Paris to ensure that no citizen shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Discrimination Complaint Form

Complaints may be delivered personally or mailed to:  100 North Caldwell Street, P. O. Box 970, Paris, Tennessee; or delivered to the Title VI Coordinator at the same address.


All complaints, written or verbal, shall be accepted. In the event a complainant sets forth the allegations verbally and refuses to reduce such allegations to writing, the person to whom the complaint is made should reduce the elements of the complaint to writing.  All complaints shall include the following information:


  1. Name, address, and telephone number of the complainant.

  2. The location and name of the entity delivering the service.

  3. The nature of the incident that led to the complainant to feel discrimination was a factor.

  4. The basis of the complaint, i.e. race, color or national origin.

  5. Names, addresses and phone numbers of people who may have knowledge of the event.

  6. The date or dates on which the alleged discriminatory event or events occurred.


The Discrimination Complaint Form, as found HERE, may be used to gather this information, but its use is not required to make a complaint.


All complaints shall be responded to, recorded, investigated, and maintained on file by the Title VI Coordinator, or a designee.


All complaints shall be handled within 90 days of their receipt.

Chapter No. 309
Stopping Addiction and Fostering Excellence (SAFE) Act

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