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Fire Chief
Jamie Hinson
The City of Paris Fire Department welcomes you to our website. The Paris Fire Department takes great pride in protecting life and property of the citizens and visitors to Paris.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Paris Fire Department is to provide the highest level of fire protection to the citizens and visitors of Paris and the surrounding area.
Station One: Downtown Paris (located at 100 N. Caldwell St.)
Station Two: Tyson Avenue (located at 301 Tyson Ave.)
Fire Protection
Fire Inspections
Emergency Preparedness
Arson Investigation
PFD Contact Numbers:
If you have an emergency, dial 911
Emergency ONLY: 911
Fire Chief: 731-641-1416
Fire Marshal: 731-641-1418
Non-Emergency Station One: 731-642-1413
Non Emergency Station Two: 731-642-6211
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