Police Department
Mission Statement:
To Provide Safety and Security for the citizens and visitors of our city, to be an organization in harmony with our community, staffed by dedicated professionals, who deliver Police services in a realistic, caring, and positive manner.
PPD Contact Numbers:
Emergency ONLY: 911
Non-Emergency: 731-642-2424
Records / Business Office: 731-641-1413
Community Programs / Services
Drug Take Back Program
A specially designated container is located in the lobby of E911 Dispatch Center at Paris City Hall. Citizens are invited to stop by and safely dispose of expired or unneeded prescription/over-the-counter medication. The American Board of Family Medicine estimates that 89% of consumers dispose of their medications improperly by putting them in household trash or flushing them down a toilet. Ron Watkins, EMA Director, is assisting with proper and safe disposal.
House Watch
The Paris Police Department’s House Watch Program is designed to provide peace of mind to our residents while they are away from home for extended periods of time, whether for vacation, illness, work-related travel, or other circumstances.
If you would like your property added to our House Watch list, contact us at
(731) 642-2424.
Neighborhood Watch
The purpose of the Neighborhood Watch program is to bring neighbors together in order to make them more vigilant about what transpires in their neighborhood. Neighborhood watches help reduce the fear and incidence of crime, thus making our city a safer place to live, work, and play. If you would like to organize a neighborhood watch program in your area, please contact us at (731) 641-1413.
Personal Defense Classes
Our basic self-defense course is designed to show citizens basic self-defense maneuvers to use in the event of an assault or other attack. Additionally, participants will learn about general personal safety practices and how to avoid these attacks. Classes include simulated scenarios that allow participants to practice these skills.
We also offer a rape aggression defense course for women. The class is a comprehensive program taught in a relaxed environment that teaches techniques and tactics, awareness, risk-reduction, and unique insights about the problem of violence against women. If you would like more information regarding this service, contact us at (731) 641-1413.
Senior Defense Class
The Paris Police Department understands that senior citizens are frequently targeted by criminals and often unknowingly become victims of crime. Our classes teach seniors how to recognize mail and computer fraud and how to protect themselves from criminals. If you would like more information regarding this service, contact us at (731) 641-1413.
Traffic School
The City of Paris Traffic School is implemented through Sgt. Jeff Smith. If you wish to attend the school you must contact the Paris Police Records Department to schedule a time and day. The school is held in the Paris City Hall Court Room at 100 North Caldwell Street. Money Orders and the exact cash amount is accepted. You must call four days in advance to sign up. Please contact the Paris Police Records Department at 731-641-1413 with questions.